Online Portfolio

This Online Portfolio aims at providing teachers with non-formal activities to be used within their school contexts, thus facilitating for them the prevention process of early school leaving.

The Portfolio is strongly connected to the manual DROP’ IN EDUC ACTION – A catalogue on non-formal education methods, which contains more than 40 activities to be implemented in the school settings. The current tool presents several methods picked from the catalogue and tested by the teachers, involved in the experimentation, in class with students.

Specifically, the activities developed can be divided in:


Opening Activities

aimed at creating a warm, friendly, and personal learning environment which can be a good basis to implement more complex activities.

The EDUC’ACTION catalogue has developed several opening activities that serve to pave the way to experiential learning by allowing participants to deal with each other in a more relaxed and engaging environment. Moreover, they’re designed to help people get to know each other usually through presentations and exchange of names and other personal information.

Basically, opening activities are used every time:

  • Before starting a team building activity in order to create the right atmosphere and help people to “melt the ice” by putting aside insecurities and natural initial difficulties.
  • Before starting a team building activity in order to get to know each other better and create the first relationships.

Under this category it’s possible to find group activities, such as icebreakers, team building activities, and energizers.


Non-formal Activities

which have been developed under 5 main topics:

1) The Importance of Education and Motivation to Learn;

2) Team Building and the Feeling of Equality;

3) Self-esteem, self-awareness and reflection;

4) Building up Your Own Environment and Taking Responsibility for It;

5) Learn to Say NO!

These activities are based on specific topics related to these areas, and they can be included in the lessons of the teachers, adapting them to the requirements of the learning group.

This Portfolio allows teachers to choose the activities according to the needs of students & their age as well as the teacher subjects and topics. Please, select among the following categories the one which fit your teaching needs.

Drop In Action

1 Learning Together Bulgaria; France; Italy; Latvia Biology; Computer science; Foreign Language; Geography; History; Mathematics; Natural sciences; Physical education and Sport; Social science The Importance of Education and Motivation to Learn 10-13; 14-15; 16-18
2 Alligator river story Italy; Latvia Class meeting; Foreign language; Social science Building up Your Own Environment and Taking Responsibility for It 10-13; 14-15
3 Adjective Game Italy Foreign Language Ice Breaker, Team building and Get to Know Each Other Activities 14-15
4 The Carousel of professions Bulgaria; France; Italy; Latvia Career Education; Class Education; Foreign Language; Mathematics; Science; Social science The Importance of Education and Motivation to Learn 10-13; 14-15
5 Market of Ideas Bulgaria; France; Latvia Applied Arts; Biology; Career Education; Civic Education; Class Education; Class meeting; Computer science; Documentation; Foreign language; Geography; History; Language; Literature; Mathematics; Natural sciences; Physical education and Sports; Physics; Science; Social science Team Building, Feeling of Equality and Active Participation 10-13; 14-15; 16-18
6 The sun is shining on Italy Applied Arts; Biology; Career Education; Civic Education; Class Education; Class meeting; Computer science; Documentation; Foreign language; Geography; History; Language; Literature; Mathematics; Natural sciences; Physical education and Sports; Physics; Science; Social science Ice Breaker, Team building and Get to Know Each Other Activities 14-15
7 In my hand Bulgaria; Latvia Applied Arts; Biology; Career Education; Civic Education; Class Education; Class meeting; Computer science; Documentation; Foreign language; Geography; History; Language; Literature; Mathematics; Natural sciences; Physical education and Sports; Physics; Science; Social science Learn to say NO! 14-15; 16-18
8 Think tank France; Latvia Applied Arts; Career Education; Class Education; Geography; History; Physics; Science Building up Your Own Environment and Taking Responsibility for It 10-13; 14-15; 16-18
9 Let’s have our rules France; Latvia Career Education; Class Education; Language; Physics Building up Your Own Environment and Taking Responsibility for It 10-13
10 Blind, Dumb, Lame Latvia Applied Arts; Biology; Career Education; Civic Education; Class Education; Class meeting; Computer science; Documentation; Foreign language; Geography; History; Language; Literature; Mathematics; Natural sciences; Physical education and Sports; Physics; Science; Social science Team Building, Feeling of Equality and Active Participation 10-13; 14-15
Being yourself, Self-esteem, Self-confidence, Self-awareness
Building up Your Own Environment and Taking Responsibility for It
Ice Breaker, Team building and Get to Know Each Other Activities
Team Building, Feeling of Equality and Active Participation

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