Blind, Dumb, Lame


Team Building, Feeling of Equality and Active Participation


10-13; 14-15


Applied Arts; Biology; Career Education; Civic Education; Class Education; Class meeting; Computer science; Documentation; Foreign language; Geography; History; Language; Literature; Mathematics; Natural sciences; Physical education and Sports; Physics; Science; Social science



General objective

  • To give a “physical” sense of being different than usual and to create conditions for a discussion about equality, equal opportunities for everyone.

Learning objective

  • To understand and develop empathy and cooperation skills among the students.

This activity is not connected to subjects; it can be used transversally during any time of the school curriculum.

Results, hints and inspirations from the experimentation

Click on the following boxes, each one will show you the results of project experimentation in each country (and useful suggestions for your implementation).


13-14 years old


Physical Education and Sports, Class education

Local adaptation:

 In one case, the activity was adapted by introducing a score system: after each round, each team was awarded with specific points (for example: the first team who managed to collect balls of the same color, 10 point, etc., depending on the rules implemented to assign). After a defined number of rounds, the teacher proceeds to count all the collected score.

How did the teachers implement the activity?

 Teachers implemented the activity during 2 subjects:

 Physical Education:

The activity helped to teach tolerance and respect of the others: it has been useful to introduce the concept of trust and listening to each other, cooperating in a team, understanding that a team is as strong as its weakest member.

 Class education:

The activity was used to introduce the topic “Me and the others”: it has been crucial to raise and explain empathy to the other students.

How did students react to the activity?

Yes, it was interesting for the students. They acted with enthusiasm and understood better the concept of being cooperative with each other.

Other comments:

 The activity is very easy to be implemented, but it is necessary to take into consideration the number of students: if several teams are running at the same time, it can be hard to hear the instruction given by each team. Thus, a slight chaos can interfere with the method’s goal. Moreover, it is better if the working groups are not very close to each other. Some students wanted to watch the work of other groups and even intervene. It is important to monitor the competitiveness that can be generated by the activity dynamic.

For specific information on this activity, download the worksheet: