Partners & contacts

Pistes Solidaires
Pistes Solidaires is an association that develops its projects and actions according to the four pillars of UNESCO education: learning to know, learning to be, learning to do, and learning to live together and with others. Our work focuses on promoting education by facilitating the educational mobility of young people and making each experience abroad a unique experience with a high human and educational benefit. The organization uses non-formal education methods, particularly those based on learning through experience, creating educational situations to develop social skills and facilitate coexistence.

Rosa Parks College
The Rosa Parks College is a public school and is located in the department of Landes, in rural areas where 3000 inhabitants live. The educational team consists of about forty professors and the college has less than 500 students. Areas of specialisation in early school leaving and student involvement are at the heart of many creative activities developed in the school. Collaboration with other institutions is a key element and teachers work to develop several transversal projects to improve the social and educational context of the community.

Gulbenes novada pašvaldība
Gulbene municipality (GM) is allocated in the North – East of Latvia in a remote and sparsely populated area. Territory of municipality consists of 13 villages and Gulbene city administrative territory. The administrative center of the municipality is city Gulbene with ~ 8000 inhabitants, located 186km from capital Riga. The total number of inhabitants in Gulbene Municipality is ~ 20 000. GM initiates different social, educational, project etc. activities that fall in line with the development plans of its territory and address needs of the different local population groups. GM also renders support to the different population groups including youth, seniors, disabled and disadvantaged people to help them carry out their ideas and ambitions to improve quality of life and to facilitate their active civil participation. GM has an experience in preparation and implementation of different “international”, “infrastructure” and “human resources” projects, starting with educational, social, cultural exchange and voluntary work projects, and ending with objects reconstruction projects.

Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” is based on the experience of social and educational work carried out by Danilo Dolci and his collaborators, which started in Eastern Sicily back in 1952. The Centre stemmed from the need of offering the local communities a reality committed to practically solve the local problems, developing a creative space in which fostering awareness and bottom-up planning were the center of the action, paving the way for a real change. Since the beginning, the main focus of the Center were non-violent education practices as well as the development of a methodology – the Reciprocal Maieutic Approach – able to ease creative development at school and in the local territory. At present, Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” is a non-profit association involving young people and adults, which mainly acts through projects in the educational field carried out in cooperation with schools, universities, institutions, associations and social groups both at local and international level.

Istituto Superiore
“Duca Abruzzi – Libero Grassi”

Know and Can Association
Know & Can Association is a NGO established in March 2007 in Sofia. It works mainly in the field of non-formal education and on European projects and programmes in the fields of education, rights, justice, citizenship and mobility. It has partners in 20 EU countries, Turkey, Albania, and Macedonia. The main objectives of the organisation are development, delivering and implementation of educational programmes to acquire new knowledge and skills; applying modern methods and techniques for the development of non-formal education in Bulgaria; training staff in the non-formal education and cooperation with organizations and institutions working in the field of education.

119 Secondary School “Academician Mihail Arnaudov”
The Academician Mihail Arnaudov School has about 123 teachers and 1595 students. From the 5th year onwards, students can choose the path they wish to take. They can choose between different subjects: mathematics, Bulgarian language, foreign language, science and education, physics and sport. The number of students who want to graduate from our school is constantly increasing. The organisation of work is at different levels of education and the maintenance of good relations between children of different ages is a challenge we face every day at school, which reveals the need for teachers and educators to be well prepared and ready to learn throughout their careers (development of their skills, knowledge and qualifications). The school management does its best to cooperate to improve the working conditions, motivation and education of teachers and the working atmosphere.

University College
Leuven-Limburg (UCLL)