A quantitative and qualitative research on ESL at European, national and local level. The objective is to provide an overview of the ESL phenomenon, analyzing public policies and innovative strategies to counteract it and enhancing the point of view of teachers and the needs of educational communities.
EDUC’Action: The Education in Action!
A catalogue of at least 30 non-formal education techniques that will be used by teachers and will be the subject of experimentation. The catalogue will present the activities, indicating the objectives, the duration and number of participants, the materials to be used, the results to be obtained and the methods of evaluation. At the end of the experimentation phase, the catalogue will also contain practical examples of the implementation of the activities and will be distributed in each partner country.
DROP’IN-volve: Teachers’ Training
A non-formal education-training programme led by experts for teachers who want to discover and develop non-formal techniques to introduce into their classrooms. The training will aim to make teachers key actors in the educational process, encouraging and motivating them to bring about change in their work and in the school environment.