The Project

Early School Leaving is a phenomenon which, to varying degrees, is of concern to all European States, and represents an obstacle to the growth and development of a country and an incentive to social marginality and educational poverty.
The Europe 2020 strategy set a target of reducing the proportion of young people who drop out of education or training prematurely to less than 10 %. The 2011 Recommendation of the Council of the European Union on policies to reduce ESL proposed to Member States to put in place cross-sectoral strategic approaches to bring early school leavers back into education.
The DROP’IN project aims at preventing Early School Leaving by building on the relationship between teachers and pupils introducing non-formal education methods within a formal system, such as schools, with the aim of motivating students and making them protagonists in their learning process.
In line with the recommendations of the EU Working Group on Early School Leaving, which defines “the relationship between teacher and pupil as the strongest conditioning factor of school commitment and achievement of objectives”, the project allows teachers to be the main participants in an exchange of experiences and skills, thus enabling them to find new solutions and strategies to address the phenomenon of Early School Leaving and combat it.
The project involves five partner countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Latvia), and through the work of organizations, schools, universities and public institutions, aims at creating an educational community that has an impact at local, national and European level

To create an innovative approach
by taking advantage of the complementary use of formal and non-formal education methods to fight Early School Leaving.

To train teachers
on non-formal education techniques and methods to be used in the classroom with their students

To motivate and support students
and make them protagonists of their learning path

To introduce non-formal methods
in schools through cross-sectoral collaboration between organisations, universities and public institutions and municipalities.